Certificate in Para legal studies is an NCQF level 5 programme accredited by the Botswana Qualifications Authority.
The Certificate in Para legal Studies aims at cultivating diverse skills and knowledge that will enable the learner to be conversant with, among others trial preparation, civil procedure, criminal procedure and the role of the courts.
This programme is designed for students who wish to pursue a career as
Para legal Officers
Law Firm Secretaries
Union Officials
Court Administrators
A participant of this programme will able to:
Apply fundamental knowledge and understanding of law to a specific problem within the Botswana legal context
Apply appropriate technology in order to conduct legal research on behalf of a legal or paralegal practitioner
Communicate with internal and external clients in a paralegal or legal workplace.
Guide and refer clients in a paralegal context
Assist in solving problems in a paralegal context by working in a team and individually
Provide administrative and organizational support in an office environment.
Exercise ethical conduct, values and professionalism when dealing with internal and external clients.
To be eligible for admission to the programme, a candidate shall;
Direct Entry
Be in a possession of a JC with a pass in English or BGCSE/ IGCSE/ HIGCSE or equivalent.
Mature Entry
For mature age entry, an admissions panel will consider an application to purse the qualification. In the determination of the application, the panel shall take into account all qualifications, the age of the applicant and the motivation by the candidate for applying for the qualification. This will include recognition of prior learning (RPL), in which work experience plays an important role.
The table below presents the programme structure for the Certificate in Para legal Studies.