The shop steward (a person elected by workers to represent in dealings with management) and leadership development pro- gram is aimed at developing the capacity of leadership and shop stewards to improve the quality of service to its members. This is only possible if they understand the role of shop stewards and leadership, labour relations, including the main statues that govern the workplace and how disputes are processed and handled through all the necessary stages up to the industrial court. It is also important that the union leadership appreciate the difference between litigating at the industrial court and High Court.
The purpose of this course is to equip union leaders and shop stewards with basic skills to effectively represent the union in negotiation and engagement with management.
At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
Explain the history and role of trade unions in the workplace and in society
Explain shop stewards’ role in the workplace
Understand the trade union constitution
Define the role of trade unions, their history
Discuss how grievance and discipline cases can be effectively handled
Discuss the main legislative framework regulating working life
Explain the dispute resolution mechanism
Trade union history and the role
Role and duty of shop stewards and trade union leaders