Records and information in any organization supports and provides evidence of translations. The World Bank and the IRMT all agree that records and information document the decisions and activities of the government and other organisations. It serves as a benchmark by which future activities and decisions are measured and that without records there can be no rule of law and no accountability. In addition, without good records and information management systems, organizations may take decisions on a havoc basis without the benefit of institutional memory.
The aim is to equip learners with a basic understanding of records management in order to manage records and informationย in their respective organizations.
At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
Define basic records management principles/ concepts
Explain the challenges of records and information management in organizations
Describe the importance preservation of records
Demonstrate management of electronic records
Explain the process of management of vital/confidential records
Identify characteristics of business records
Explain the different methods in the disposal of records
What is records & information man- agement
Why is records management critical in the work environment
Common problems faced by records management
Guidelines on the management of electronic records